Random Dog Generator in JavaScript

Connecting to the dog.ceo API to get random dog pictures sorted by breed. Idea from a tutorial. My additions are a button to cycle through the current category, named dynamically, and a link to the image in order make use of the lightbox. Additionally, I extracted the filename for the caption.
The loading animation is a simple @keyframes animation of transform: rotateZ(360deg) on a rounded element with a box-shadow and a border-radius of 50%, with an absolutely positioned ::after-pseudoelement as the dot.
Also made a custom select dropdown for the random dog generator based on this code, but heavily edited to add the same functionality as the regular breed select box, and to be more accessible with suitable ARIA attributes. Tested with NVDA screen reader. The custom dropdown fetches the information dynamically from the existing select and its label. It has a blue border similar to the button. You may try refreshing the browser if it is not showing up; it works in browsers that support modules, but does have a no-module fallback.
Edited the code to also include the nested breed types (i.e. “afghan” in category “hound”) if there were more than one.
Code for the random dog generator fetch API
Making the regular select box contents for the no-module fallback:
See also my accessible draggable blobs app and pong javascript game.